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Friday | September 20, 2024

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Dear Readers……Because of Hurricane Irma, I will not be posting any blog about ‘fun goings on in Key West’ for a while.  When we heard that this storm was approaching the Keys, particularly Key West, our beloved Island….my husband Bob decided to fly to there….last Tuesday… to secure our house from the impending storm.  That he did.  I remained at our dear Rose Cottage. While he was there, as the predictions of Irma kept getting more and more dire, he, with some help, was able to totally secure our house on Caroline St. in the Truman Annex.  He had intended to ride out the storm in our home as we both did during Wilma.  However, he along with Michael and Megan Behmke, Harrold Berry, Steve Andres, and Mike and Ellen Caron, moved into a condo at Harbour Place, a building built to withstand a Category 5 hurricane.  The storm struck KW as a Cat 4 storm about 8:30 am , Sunday, Sept. 10.  130 mph winds.  The eye of Irma made landfall at 9:14 am at Cudjoe Key, about 20 miles northeast of KW.  I had heard from my husband at 7 am on Sunday…..after the storm arrived in all its awfulness, power lines were lost and I was not able to make contact with him….that was very frightening and concerning…I about went nuts!!!!  Power lines are still down, including power lines for cell phone usage. Thankfully, it seems Key West did not incur as bad a storm surge as predicted….only about 2.5 feet instead of the 5-10 feet anticipated.  That is good news.  Since Irma passed and moved on doing more dastardly things to Florida, I have been on pins and needles hoping to hear from Bob.  I had been able to contact George Fernandez at the Butterfly conservatory…for some reason their land line phone worked and George answered the phone after two rings.  Much relief.  He said that KW had done well….neither his home on South St. nor the Conservatory were damaged….and there was no water surge there.  He offered to go to our home and see if Bob was there and how we fared.  Bob was not there, but George left a note on the front door that he was welcome to come to the Conservatory to use the working phone there.  The good news is that I heard from Bob today.  I was never happier to hear anyone’s voice ever!!!!!  He was upbeat and optimistic as I hoped he would be.  The storm was a long one….heavy winds blew for hours on end….it didn’t come and go like Wilma.  When he left the confines of Harbour Place to check on our house, he found that we had no water surge….Hallelujah!!!! …not a bit of water in the house….everything was fine.  Even the canopy over our back porch was intact. I was sure it would be ripped to shreds. We do have foliage damage and debris…plus a couple of damaged trees….roof, porches, everything fine.  He got our Mini Cooper started and was able to transfer a bunch of frozen foods from our freezer to the house the group is all moving to next…a place with a generator with AC.  He said that it did not seem as anyone in the Annex was affected negatively by the storm surge….all good news.  I also heard that the Meadows was spared. …Still no power but work has begun.  Until power is restored I will not be able to be in constant contact with Bob….  I am sure many spots were not as fortunate as we were… prayers are for thanksgiving that the storm has gone…that Bob and our friends are all safe…I also pray for all who were not as lucky.  We are one human family in Key West and are in this all together. Keep those thoughts, good vibes and prayers coming our way.  Bob had a plane ticket home to Ohio for this coming Thursday….unfortunately, he will not be able to use it until things are more settled and the airport is once again usable.  Here is a really good link to go to for info on the storm.  I will try to update this now and again.  If you hear anything please contact me.  I want to extend a huge thank you to all the many friends and family members who have been so caring, supportive and concerned, with emails, texts, and phone calls…  I thank especially, the band of friends hunkering down with Bob in Key West….plus, Sally Stevens and her husband Robert…. Pam & Paul Vereb… George Fernandez….. Bruce Moore….Billy Cartledge…. my high school friends who rallied around me … I love and appreciate you all…with all my heart!   LYNDA  

PS….. The rest below is all old news….  I look forward to the time I will resume sending out good news once again on my blog!!!!



DEAR READERS…..It has been a roller coaster of a summer! On July 14, on our way to visit our kids in the Chicago area, I began getting many messages from those on my email list, informing me that I had been hacked! And I was! It has been a challenging time ever since. I was able to change my password when we arrived at our hotel. However, lots of damage was done. For a long time all my incoming messages were going directly to Trash instead of my Inbox. After we got that problem solved, I found out that whomever hacked me, somehow was able to eliminate all the names of at least 50 some groups that I had painstakingly assembled these last 8 years. Thankfully I was able to retain most of my address book, but it was not in alphabetical order as I had before the hack job. I am slowly trying to edit all 2,500 names on my list and to assign each person to the various groups I had them in before. I have been working continuously but it is a long and arduous and very frustrating journey. At this point, I have gotten only as far as letter F in my address book… I have a long way to go before it is all done…and my biggest fear is that once I am done, I will be hacked again and this will happen all over. For awhile, until I get all my groups organized again, I will be posting my blog on my website at As I complete a group, I will send my blog to you personally as it goes. I ask for your patience and understanding. I also ask that those who read this will please let your email lists and your Facebook lists aware of this. Perhaps you can help me by asking those who are interested in receiving my blog to go to and then click on Lynda’s Daily Social Calendar. I would greatly appreciate that favor. The exact same thing that I send to you personally is in the blog. So that is that in regard to updating you on my blog.

Aside from all of this mess, the summer has been going well and rather quickly. Because of the time spent on redoing the lists, I have many projects that I have not been able to accomplish…and time is running out as we will be heading back to Key West around Oct. 10 or so. Stay tuned!

THIS SUMMER…..Had a great visit with our kids, Rob and Melissa in Illinois in July….also a wonderful time in Long Beach, California attending our nephew Joe’s wedding in early August and then spending a couple of lovely days in Palm Springs at a wonderful place called Sparrow’s Inn owned by my friend Karen Hammond’s brother. Celebrated my July 20th birthday at Chippewa Lake, surrounded by some great friends, including Bruce Moore, Noreen Collins, Pam and Paul Vereb and my niece, Sally Stevens and her husband Robert. I thank everyone who remembered me…with cards, notes, emails, flowers, messages, gifts, texts, etc. I was overwhelmed with love and I am very grateful. In August, we drove to visit Marti & Bill Roberts in Newport, PA, who hosted a fabulous party at their beautiful estate. On Aug. 18, we went to visit our good friend Keith Dempster at his and Red’s marvelous summer place in Randolph, NH….a beautiful spot surrounded by mountains….Keith was the ultimate host and showed us great points of interest and introduced us to some very special friends of theirs. From there we went to NYC on Aug.21-25 for our annual trip where we enjoy Broadway shows. We saw 4 great shows…..Groundhog Day…..Dear Evan Hansen…Come From Away….and we splurged and saw Hello Dolly with the divine Bette Midler! It was wonderful, memorable and a great anniversary gift to each other! Yes, our anniversary was Aug. 22…..Because we were not there as long as usual, we did not get to see all those friends in NYC that we had hoped see on this trip…and we are very sorry about that. Please forgive! I want to extend another thank you to all who remembered our anniversary with cards, and notes and messages. VERY special acknowledgements to MaryCarlin and Bill Porter, Keith Dempster, George Sanders and Shawn Curran, Paul Smith, Bruce Moore, and Pat West and Chip Allen….It is really nice to be remembered on special occasions, isn’t it?

KYLE CASKEY….. We were very saddened to get the awful, shocking news that KW actor, Kyle Caskey, had passed away…we got this news as we arrived in New Hampshire. Kyle was very unique…a multi-talented and creative person and loved by many. Our hearts go out to Teddy and Kyle’s family. It is a great loss and he will be deeply missed…..he was way too young!

DANGER CHARTERS ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR A U-HAUL TRIP TO HOUSTON…. The truck will leave next Wednesday, Sept. 13….it is a city-wide event not one benefitting Danger Charters….Looking for food items, baby formulas, gift cards, small cash donations, etc. to help offset the u-haul cost, (over $1,500)…Danger Charters is partnering with the Montrose Center and MC-CARES in Houston for this drop off, as they have requested for donations of above mentioned types. Call 305-304-7999 or 267-507-4377 for more info. Thanks for any contributions you can make.

SO SAD… Hurricane Harvey has wreaked havoc on Houston, Rockport and other parts of Texas. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are suffering there.

GET TIX NOW FOR WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE 2017-18 SEASON… Mark your calendars” Opening Concert is Nov. 17 & 18….’TRIPLE THREAT’ with Vicki Roush, Laurie Breakwell and Danny Weathers. 8 pm….Production #1….’INSPECTING CAROL’ a Xmas tale directed by Murphy Davis…Dec.12-Jan. 6…… Production #2… “1776” .. a musical in concert….directed by Danny Weathers….Jan. 24 thru Feb. 4. 8 pm… Production #3…. ‘ HAND TO GOD’….directed by Murphy Davis….dates, Feb. 20-March 10…..8 PM… Production #4…. A reprise of the vastly successful musical ‘AVENUE Q’…..March 27-April 14….This musical sold out every night in 2017!!! Danny Weathers, directs. Production #5….’THE LEGEND OF GEORGIA McBRIDE’…directed by Danny Weathers…May 2-May 26…. A comedy with music!!!! Christopher Peterson stars! Go online to or call 305-294-5015 for tix….Season Tix are on sale! You do NOT want to be disappointed

BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY LISTS….If you would like to be included in the Birthday and Anniversary Lists that I send out every month, please let me know your month and day by sending that info to me at There are special perks to being on the lists!!!! One of the perks is having your name in KONK Life on the day of your Birthday!

PRAYER CHAIN…..Please continue to remember the following in your thoughts and prayers…All those in Houston and the environs who were so traumatically affected by Hurricane Harvey….Arthur Crocker…. Judy Davis…Shannon Farnsworth…Cheryl Walchli … Ed Stevens, Jr…. Rosi Ware….the family & friends of Kyle Caskey… Len Stevens … the family and friends of Christine Warner …Cindy Caminite…the friends and family of Elizabeth Warner….Tom Callahan …John Padget… Bernard Mochulski (father of Martha Barnes) …..the family and friends of Arvid Wegenek….….Brian Martinez and all the family……Rob Frechette ….Terri White …Keith Riedel …Susie Scott ….Bob Esty ….Nancy Lima ….Pat Malkin ….…Snake Collins …. Dan Collins …..Eric Nelson ……..Todd Reifschneider ……Nauni Bailou… Jodyrae Campbell … …..Brian Belanger …..Maggie Domski … Nicole …Jacob Gelt Dekker ….Rude Girl..…Linda Rysman …. Lee Knight … Lynda Scott …Frank Gren …Maryann Reifschneider …Sherrey Welch …Marta White ….Walter Lepperd …Howard & Inez Casey…Wally Stevens… Peter Deksmith …..Mary Lou Hoover …Kip Larson …Bill Lodermeir …George Kling …. Rennetta Stevens …Richard and Betty Carraway …David Herndon …Lottie Domski …Carey Moore ….Anne McKee … Ron Burns …..Teresa Lawson … Zita DuPel ……. Tony Martinez … Star Husky…..M. Lynn. . . Ron Maranian …Marec Yooree …Virgil Williams . … Pamella C. Bocdow. …Dee Dee Duecker … Karla Muir … Vincent Gregory …Tony Freese… Jennifer O’Lear …Margaret Taylor … Roland Ryper …Patrick Richards. Remember, there are many reasons that we pray…not just because people are ill…. I do believe that when we all send prayers and good vibes to those in need, those prayers mystically meet and surround those being prayed for. Sometimes we pray for miracles and the impossible….sometimes we pray to just cope with the results of what happens to those we are praying for. Sometimes we pray for strength to go on and to accept…sometimes we pray for thanksgiving. We are in this thing called ‘Life’ together….and we all have power within us to help our fellow man. Bless you for remembering our loved ones….Prayer changes things! Let me know if you know of anyone who should be added to this list.

PLEASE READ THIS ABOUT THE SOS FOUNDATION IN KEY WEST…. The SOS strives to end hunger and poverty in Monroe County…HOW? By assisting the working poor through food assistance. The people involved with this program are our real live angels on earth. They work diligently and give from the heart and their sole satisfaction is that the people they are serving are not going to bed hungry. Their mission is to lead the movement and nurture the belief that together we can improve the lives of Monroe County residents by ending hunger. To find out more contact Carmen Garcia at To help with funding please go to this link…. God bless!!

FKSPCA HAS NEW BRICK PROGRAM….This is a special buy a brick and have it inscribed with a special name and message that will be placed on the walkway of the new Animal Shelter…a great gift for someone very special. For more info go to Bricks are $250 each. This will help the building fund of the new FKSPCA Shelter…..To complete and furnish the bldg., $700,000 more dollars are needed. You can engrave this brick with a permanent memory…honor a family member, someone special…or a beloved pet. You can order a brick online by going to


TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT 2,9,16,23,30 …..BOBBY NESBITT will be at the piano from 5 to 9 pm.

GREEN PARROT, SEPT 2….Robert Albury at 5:30…Water Seed at 9, & 11 pm

LATEDA…SEPT. 2….The fabulous DEBRA & PATRICK perform at 8:30 pm in the Lounge. Christopher Peterson at 9 pm in the Crystal Room! Divine!

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT. 2….12- 5, Michael McCloud…7pm-12am, Fuel On Fire, The Doerfels!

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, SEPT.2……Robert Albury & Larry Baeder perform at 9:00 pm.

SMOKIN TUNA, SEPT. 2….Nick Norman, 5:30 pm….Caffeine Carl & Friends, 9 pm.

THE GARDENS HOTEL, SEPT. 2,9,16,23,30….Megan Constantine entertains from 5-7 pm. 526 Angela St.

HOG’S BREATH SEPT. 2….1pm, Barry Cuda……5:30pm, Ronnie Johnson…….10 pm, Dave Coleman ……Wayne’s Addiction…-2am.

BREWFEST THRU SEPT 4…..For all info and schedule of events go to Many great events planned for your enjoyment.

NANCY 3 ASKS FOR HELP…Nancyhas lined up The Centrespace Gallery, in Bristol, England to exhibit items from her Umbrella Cover Museum for two weeks, Sept. 15-Sept.27…11 am to 6 pm… The show is called, ‘Celebrate the Mundane…the Umbrella Cover Museum Storms the UK’. Nancy has a fundraiser campaign going on…She asks for contributions. Go to You can also go to Nancy 3 Hoffman’s FACEBOOK Page for updates on the tour from England after Sept. 14.

4TH ANNUAL ROTARY CASINO NIGHT, SEPT. 9…..7 to 11 pm at Marriott Beachside Hotel …Theme is “007 Bond”…..Cash Bar…KW Casual attire…Raffle & Prizes …Casino Tables… Black jack…Roulette, Slots….Tix are $75 per person….For tix or to sponsor, call Jessica Cranney at 305-773-4010 or Jill Cranney at 305-747-0395.

BOB FRECHETTE=FABULOUS REALTOR IN TOWN!!!!…..Need a realtor in town? My husband BOB FRECHETTE has been with the marvelous Compass Realty ( NOW Keller-Williams Compass) for 18 years …Give him a call at 305-294-0584! Email him at He is the best! I promise!!!! Honest, fair, and adorable too!!!

A PUN FOR YOU!!!….A bad shoemaker’s assistant was given the boot!


OLD STONE COFFEE HOUSE WITH ROCK SOLOMON, SEPT 3…..The wonderful & talented ROCK SOLOMON will perform at the Old Stone Coffee House from 9 am to 11 am….This is a great way to enjoy soulful music on a Sunday morn…coffee and conversation ….at 600 Eaton St. All welcome.

TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT 3,10,17,24…Rob DiStasi is at the piano from 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge!

FREE ADMISSION TO MUSEUMS ON SEPT.3…..With Local ID you can visit all HTA tours and the Custom House, Lighthouse, and Ft. East Martello Museum.. all day long.

BENEFIT AT GRUNT’S BAR, SEPT.3….This benefit will help Amer. Legion Post 168…2 to 8 pm at Grunt’s at 409 Caroline St….Featured is music by COFFEE BUTLER and friends…plus the Community Gospel Choir and the Bubba system…Cuban food and KW desserts will be available to purchase.

ALL FF CANDIDATE EVENT ON SEPT.3,10,17,24…..BINGO upstairs at 801 Duval St. Queen Mum, Q Mitch is the caller….great fun….benefits all King and Queen FF candidates….every Sunday at 5 pm.

THE GARDENS HOTEL, SEPT 3,10,17,24….James King III at the piano from 5-7pm.

GREEN PARROT….SEPT.3….Water Seed performs at 5:30 pm. Jazz at 1 pm.


KEY WEST THEATER, SEPT.3….Donavon Frankenreiter and Matt Grundy perform at 8 pm at 512 Eaton St.

LATEDA, SEPT.3….Tea Dance at 4 pm….. DEBRA & PATRICK etertain in the Lounge at 8:30pm….

CASA MARINA, SEPT.3…. Peter Diamond entertains from 5 to 7 pm.

BREWFEST EVEWNT, SEPT.3….A7 PM AT Southernmost Beach Café…Funky budda Beer Dinner….$69 per person plus tax. Go to for tix.

SMOKIN TUNA, SEPT.3….9 pm, Marshall Morlock Band.

DESTINY FOR QUEEN EVENT, SEPT. 3….2 to 5 pm at the Bottlecap….1128 Simonton St. Local artisans set up shop with percentages of purchases going directly to benefit AIDS Help and Destiny Montgomery for Queen!

HOG’S BREATH, SEPT.3…1 pm, Anthony Picone…5:30, Ronnie Johnson … 10 pm, Wayne’s Addiction

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.3…5 pm, Michael McCloud…7 -11pm, The Doerfels

AUTHOR/COMEDIENNE, TIG NOTARO PERFORMS, SEPT 10…..She will perform at 6:30 & 9:30 pm at the Key West Theater, 512 Eaton St. Go to for tickets. She is fabulous!

DUVAL ‘ICE CREAM CRAWL’…SEPT. 10….Benefits the May Sands Montessori School … 12 to 3 pm….A family-friendly event for all ice cream lovers…will stop at Kilwins, Boardwalk Frozen Custard, Truval, Mathheessen’s, River Street Sweets, Flamingo Crossing, Mary Ellen’s, and First Flight with special crawl stops for adults at Flying Monkey, The Green Room, & Fat Tuesdays. Tix are $20…for all 12 coupons redeemable at participating locations. For more info go to www.maysandsmontessori,com/fundraising/information.

TIX NOW ON SALE FOR HEADDRESS BALL…..Check out to get tix for this event and other Fantasy Fest Events.


CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., AUG.SEPT 4……The Bahama Boys entertain from 6-10 pm.

DESTINY FOR QUEEN EVENT, SEPT 4…Cornhole Tournament, 2-6 pm…at Side Bar at Aqua Nightclub….504 Angela St….Prizes for winner and a raffle to win a set of cornhole boards painted by Rick worth….$25 fee per team.

DESTINY FOR QUEEN EVENT, SEPT 4…..7 to 9 pm …Drag show at 801 Bourbon Bar…. See Destiny, Sushi and the 801 Girls doing a special don’t miss performance!

AQUA NIGHTCLUB…DUELING BARTENDERS….SEPT.4….. 5:30- 8 pm…. 711 Duval St…. It’s Tommy Luna and Ric Derry entertaining you royally!!!!

TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT.4,11,18,25…Michael Thomas is at the piano from 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge.

HOG’S BREATH, SEPT 4..… 1 pm, Zack Seemiller…5:30 pm,Dan Harvey..10 pm, TBA.

WORLD CULTURE DANCE SERIES ON SEPT. 4….Sensuous Dance style, the Bachata, will be taught by Dr. Pamela Connolly from 6 to 8 pm at the Key West Theater, 512 Eaton St….classes are $20 for KWAHS members and $25 for non-members. To sign up call Adele at 305-295-6616 ex: 115. Or go to

SMOKIN TUNA SEPT.4…. Barry Cuda 5:30 pm…Caffeine Carl & Nick Norman Trio at 8 pm.

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.4…Raven Cooper 12-5pm….7-11pm, Black & Skabuddah

LATEDA, SEPT.4…Debra & Patrick perform at 8:30 pm, In the Lounge!

16TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT OF THE 9/11 TRAGEDY….SEPT.11….The KW Firehouse Museum at 1024 Grinnell St. The remembrance will be held at 8:30 promptly.


LATEDA SEPT 5….. Debra & Patrick entertain in the Lounge at 8:30 pm…9 pm, Christopher Peterson in the Crystal Room.

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, SEPT.5…Ericson Holt & Mick Kilgos at 9 pm.

FF KING AND QUEEN AQUA IDOL, SEPT.5,12,19,26….6:30 pm at 711 Duval St. Each candidate has singers who raise money for their candidates…. Runs thru Oct. 17. No singer eliminations!


HOG’S BREATH, SEPT.5,6 & 7….1 pm, Joel Nelson…, 5 pm, Dan Harvey…10 pm, Sister Funk…

SMOKIN TUNA, SEPT.5…Sander Blue at 9 pm.

THE GREEN PARROT, SEPT.5 & 6….. Drink & Draw Night at 8 pm.

TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT.5.12,19,26…Carmen Rodriguez & Michael Thomas entertain from 5 to 9 pm.

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.5….12 to 5, Gary Hempsey….7-11pm, Black & Skabuddah!

25th ANNIVERSARY & THANK YOU PARTY ON SEPT. 26….Harpoon Harry’s owners, Ron and Robert, invited you to a celebration from 5 to 7 pm, at their restaurant at 832 Caroline St. Complimentary appetizers, drink specials and music by Bubba Lownotes and Steve Green.

ART & HISTORICAL SOCIETY SALUTES THE NAVY WITH EXHIBIT …At the Custom House on Front St….see how intertwined Key West and the US Navy are linked thru a cultural, visual, personal and regional history presentation. This exhibit will run thru Dec. 2017.


TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT.6…Rob DiStasi performs from 5 to 9 pm!!!

BUCKY FOR KING EVENT, SEPT. 6…..Trop Rock Shrimp Boil…..Sunset Pier at Ocean Key House….0 Duval St….food and drinks with Shanty Hounds, Chris Rehm and Dani Hoy…..

CURATOR LED TOUR AT CUSTOM HOUSE, SEPT. 6….10-11 am….Curator, Cori Convertito, will lead a detailed tour of this new re-established exhibit. Cost is $9 or $5 for members…..go to to sign up. These sell out and there is only limited room.

THE GARDENS HOTEL, SEPT.6,13,20,27….Dom Carelli at the piano from 5 to 7 pm.

WOMENFEST PARTY ON SEPT.6…..Opening Night Party AT 5 PM AT THE Aqua Side Bar at 504 Angela St…. for more info and complete schedule go to

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, SEPT.6&7…. Littlr Room Jazz All-Stars…9 pm…. 821 Duval St.

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.6….12-5pm, Gary Hempsey & Terry Cassidy….7-11pm, Raven Cooper.

GREEN PARROT, SEPT.6 & 7…..Johnny sketch & the Dirty Notes performs at 5:30, 9 and 11 pm!!!

LATEDA, SEPT. 6…..Debra & Patrick perform at 8:30 pm in the lounge…

CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., SEPT.6…Din Allen from 6-10pm.

WINE BINGO AT VINO’S ON DUVAL, SEPT. 13…..7:30-9:30 pm….810 Duval….$1.00 per card Benefit for the MARC House. Have fun for a good cause!


TAP CLASSES AT COFFEEMILL…SEPT.7…..10:30am to-11:30 am at Coffee Mill Studio at 605 Simonton St….Instructor is Heidi Wadsley….I hear she is wonderful …. Note they have tap shoes you can borrow if you do not have them. For info call 305-296-9982.

LATEDA, SEPT.7…. Debra & Patrick perform at 8:30 pm…!!!!! Christopher Peterson performs at 9 pm in the Crystal Room!

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.7…..12-5pm, M. McCloud…7-11pm, Ross Taylor Steel Pan Duo.

BUCKY FOR KING EVENT ON SEPT. 7…..Vibrator Races at Mary Ellen’s Bar on Appelrouth Ln…. See who is the dildo champ of the night….vibrators provided, or bring your own! 7 pm.

DESTINY FOR QUEEN EVENT….SEPT 7….7 to 9 pm…Mad Hatter Tea Party at Curry Mansion, 511 Caroline St…. Dress in your craziest hat & costume and enjoy some delish teas and tea infused cocktails. Food and drink provided and prizes for best hats and costumes. $20 admission. All ages invited to attend!

CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., SEPT.7…..Rick Fusco from 6-10 pm.

TAVERN N TOWN, SEPT.7,14,21,28…Carmen Rodrigue & Michael Thomas perform from 5 to 9 pm at the Marriott!

THE GARDENS ON SEPT.7,14,21,28….5-7:00pm…Jimmy Olson is at the piano….

SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, SEPT.7…..5:30 pm, Caffeine Carl… 9 pm, Sonder Blue.

COMEDY EVERY THURSDAY….SEPT. 7,14,21,28….at the Blue Room, 1128 Simonton St…..Doors open at 8 pm ….show is at 8:30…. Tix in advance at are $10… at the door, $15. Talent ranges from aspiring local Wonderful produce, wares, baked goods, pickles, crafts, flowers, home made items, and entertainment by Gina Maseratti.

KWAHS OFFERS HERITAGE AWARENESS DIVING SEMINAR, SEPT.21-23….Class instruction at the Custom House plus a day of open water diving. Course explains the advantages of conserving shipwrecks…you will learn how to protect shipwrecks, artificial reefs, and other sites in the marine environment. The in-field training includes SCUBA dives on 2 historic shipwrecks. For more info and to sign up, contact Adele at 305-295-6616 Ex.115…Limited space….go to


LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, SEPT.8,15,22,27…..The Denis Hyland Jazz Quartet at 9 pm.

AT THE GARDENS, SEPT.8,15,22,29…..Michael Robinson is at the piano from 5 to 7 pm.

SCHOONER WHARF, SEPT.8…Michael McCloud, noon to 5… 7-Midnight, Cayo Ritmo.

LATEDA, SEPT.8 & 15……Debra & Patrick entertain at 8:30 pm till 11:30 pm…in the Lounge! (Deb & Patrick also perform on the 9th and 16 of Sept.)

HOG’S BREATH, SEPT.8 & 9….1 pm…..Cuda & Fradley… 5 pm… Dan Harvey… 10 pm, Sister Funk…

SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, SEPT.8&9…..Caffeine Carl & Friends at 9 pm.

GREEN PARROT, SEPT.8,9 & 10.….In Business, at 5:30, 9pm, and 11 pm on July 14 & 15….at 5:30 pm on Sunday, July 16.

CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., SEPT.8… Mike Naughton, 1 to 5 pm…Tom Taylor from 6-10 pm.

TAVERN N TOWN SEPT.8,15,22,29….Mike Emerson performs from 5 to 9 pm….

FT. E.MARTELLO MUSEUM SHOP & CHILL PARTY, SEPT. 15…..Support the Museum and get great discounts….refreshments served 11 am to 1 pm… and great discounts for members and their friends ….3501 S. Roosevelt Blvd….9:30- 4:30 pm…. 30% OFF FOR MEMBERS AND 10% OFF FOR THEIR FRIENDS OR NON MEMBERS. This is a thank you sale from the Key West Art & Historical Society.

LOVE TO YOU, AND REMEMBER…When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often, we look so long at the closed door, that we do not see the one which has been opened for us!




2CENTS at 416 Appelrouth Ln…. 6-11 pm, 50% entire meal order…. Ends Sept. 30 …

CAFÉ SOLE….at 1029 Southard St….50% ALL Food! All eve long! Tues. thru Sun., 5 to 10 pm.

MANGOES …on Duval St…. 50% off all regular menu items for locals…11 am to 7 pm.. thru Sept. 30th.

LA TE DA…. $15.99 dinner specials…features a different main course entrée Mon-Fri. Also, Happy Hour $5 Stoli Drinks, $1.00 off domestic beers and $2 off glasses of wine.

THE MARKER HOTEL HAPPY HOUR… 200 William St….3:30-6:30…$2 off drinks and $5 plates.

HAPPY HOUR AT HARD ROCK…..Daily 5-7 pm…and 10 pm till close….Half off appetizers and half off drinks! 313 Duval St. (Breafast now available!)

SINGERS SOUGHT….Interested in joining the Keys Chorale? Register for the FKCC’s Community Chorus course for the fall semester….call 305-296-9081 for info.

VOLUNTEERS NEED AT TENNESSEE WILLIAMS MUSEUM…. Needed are volunteers to welcome guests on Sunday afternoons from noon to 5 pm….at 513 Truman Ave…..For info call Dennis Beaver, curator at 305-294-3121.

KEY WEST TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANIC GARDEN SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS… This non profit is looking for interested Board Members….particularly that of Treasurer … term is two years…..If interested send a letter to Key West Botanical Garden 5210 College Rd., Key West, FL 33040. Or email

BEN HARRISON’S MUSICAL “UNDYING LOVE”…… Key West’s OWN, the multi-talented Ben Harrison, wrote first a book on Count Carl von Cosel….and then the Musical, “UNDYING LOVE”.. He, and many of his supportive fans, are hoping that the production of this musical will take place at The Studios of KW Feb.14-March 3, 2018…. A fundraising campaign is being launched to guarantee the success of “Undying Love’ Make a donation that will guarantee reserved seats for the Valentine’s Day 2018 premier! To donate go to

HELP JODYRAE CAMPBELL AND HER HUSBAND…..A Go Fund Me Account has been set up to help with dire financial need at this challenging time….Her husband, Brian is very ill with lung cancer and needs help with medical bills and everyday living expenses. If you can help IN ANY WAY…please go to this site to donate whatever you are able to….

TERRI WHITE NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP……As you know, Terri has a rare blood disease and multiple myeloma…There is a Go Fund Me account set up to help … Go to .

BUY CD FROM ‘A DOG STORY’…..Gayla Morgan and Eric Einberger are basking in the success of their play, A DOG STORY, and the cast album is out…and it is a delight! To buy, go to Truly is…’one dog-gone great CD!!!!’

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR REEF RELIEF….For info call 305-294-3100.

NEED A DJ?….Call Jimmy Jamz at 305-923-7401 for great entertainment and music at your function or party!!!

STAR OF THE SEA OUTREACH MISSION NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To help with the food pantry on Stock Island….This mission serves hundreds of the community’s needy operating Mon-Fri. Call Donna at 305-407-5967 for info.

SHAL SEELS VOLUNTEERS…Southernmost Homeless Assistance League has begun serving an evening meal each day at the homeless shelter with food from the Soup Kitchen….Volunteers are needed to help. For info call John Miller at 502-876-5092.

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS EXHIBIT:…..Admission is FREE….Self-guided tours are available to locals and visitors at the Tennessee Williams Exhibit located at 513 Truman just off Duval. Hours are 10 am to 5 pm…Mon.-Sat. Many new items are on display, including memorabilia collected while the Exhibit was on loan to the Museo Nacional De Bellas Artes in Havana, Cuba…..Also on display is Williams’ 1932 Univ. of Mo. Yearbook, Savitar, in which one of his early poems is given a full page. Videos provide info about the life & work of the iconic author who made KW home for 34 years. For more info or to request a guided tour, go to, phone DENNIS Beaver at 305-842-1666 or email

HUGH’S VIEW AT THE STUDIOS…..Over $300,000 has been raised for this project… but more is needed to make this dream a reality! Make donations to TSKW and indicate your donation is specifically for HUGH’S VIEW, and send to Jeffrey Ware at 1400 Olivia St., KW, 33040. This is a separate fundraiser from any others at The Studio. The plan is to create a lovely Rooftop Garden atop the new Studios Bldg on Eaton St… will provide a marvelous panoramic view of Key West…and since La Concha shut its doors to us, it will be most welcome indeed. For more info, contact Jeffrey at For those who are wondering who Hugh is…. He is the most adorable father of Jeffrey, who left his mark in Key West….who loved it here, and who passed away….from this earthly home but not from our hearts! Hoping to raise enough money so that by the end of 2015, Hugh’s View will be a Truism…. And that we can all gather together, lift our glasses from atop the Garden and toast HUGH’S VIEW!!!!!

KW TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANIC GARDEN, NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To volunteer please call 305-296-1504.

GRACE ON FRANCES STREET….This is a glorious shop at 6oo Frances….a lush newer addition to Key West’s upscale shopping scene…one of a kind items … spectacular jewelry….Japanese ceramics….cashmere from the Himilayas… the softest and finest you ever touched….Gorgeous items from India, Africa, the Orient, and Europe….a worldwide search to find the BEST of Everything’ for your pleasure. It offers luxury to the nth degree….you will feel with all your senses. Please stop by…take your time and savor everything within……open daily, at the corner of Southard! Owned by Wendy Asplundh, she of the exquisite taste… and her great and dedicated staff includes Samantha Rivier, Dorthe Thure, and Jolie Witherow.

LA RUBIA KEY WEST….….Stephanie Hellstrom (THE Blonde!) is the owner of this new delightful shop at 510 Fleming St….next to Assortment….You can purchase hand woven Panama hats, handcrafted wearable accessories, and organic chocolates from Ecuador…. along with handbags, scarves, bamboo wraps, jewelry and more. What a pleasure it is to have some unique and interesting new shops in Key West!!! Congrats to Stephanie. Call 296-6059 for more details!!!

BACK BAR AND SIDE BAR AT AQUA…Open daily from 5 to 11 pm….great place to hang!!! In the back of the nightclub at 711 Duval. The new Side Bar is accessed on Angela St.

TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN ORG. SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…..This marvelous, award winning scholarship program mentoring group is looking for giving souls to help mentor 50 some qualified students from lower income families ….They cannot be admitted unless a volunteer steps forward. It takes less than an hour each week. Call Chuck Licis, program coordinator at 305-394-7974 or e-mail him at

CUSTOM HOUSE & LIGHTHOUSE MUSEUMS ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS…If you have a few hours to offer as a docent, archives asst., exhibit builder, or event volunteer, please offer your services!

SWING DANCE LESSONS EVERY WED….7 pm at Paradise Health & Fitness, 1706 N. Roosevelt….Instructors Lucy Carleton ….runs thru Dec. 11…call 296-6348.

GRIEF COUNSELING….Bereavement Meetings are available every Thursday at 7:15 pm at the Renewal Center at St. Mary’s. All needing bereavement support are invited….for more info call 305-294-1018. You are not alone.


Virgos are perfectionists! They like to do things properly and are furious with themselves if they think they have turned in a second rate job. They will fiddle with something endlessly, trying to improve on what they have already done very well. They worry about tiny details ….may even wake in the middle of the night thinking of what they may have forgotten to do…and of course they have a hard time falling back to sleep! But when you want something done, who do you turn to? The Virgo, every time!! Virgos take a very practical approach to life, making them methodical, efficient, and sensible. They are a tower of strength in a crisis. People rely on them but they also take them for granted.

Virgo’s are famous for their modesty….they have so many positives about them, but they seem to see only their shortcomings. The Virgo sees minor faults as major flaws. They are always wondering ‘why can’t I be tidier…neater…more organized?’….Virgos have very high standards, and they apply these rigorously, sometimes seeming harsh and unsympathetic. Just remember, the Virgo may be tough on you, but they are even tougher on themselves!

The Virgo will choose classic clothes, in conservative colors, rather than the latest fads. They prefer to look neat, polished and rarely do they look messy…even if they have been up all night.

When it comes to relationships, Virgos struggle with their emotions and have a hard time expressing their feelings. They have such high standards, that those interested often feel there is no way they can live up to them. Virgos are much brainier than others….they enjoy analyzing situations and need a partner who will share their need to talk things through. They will soon lose patience with anyone who has fluff for brains or can only talk about events concerning their favorite soap opera. Despite their modest and polite appearance, they are pretty hot in the bedroom, managing to cast aside that reserved demeanor! They are, however, tongue tied in revealing how they feel…..not only with lovers but even with friends. The best signs for a Virgo are Taurus and Capricorn. In careers, a typical Virgo prefers to take a back seat rather than be in the front line. They thrive on being a valued member of a support team. They lean toward careers as accountants, agents, teachers, writers, critics, doctors, nurses, and scientists. Because of their fine minds, they need a job that will stretch their brain and intellect.



8/24…..Bert Angermann…Mike Castellano…

8/25…David Wolkowsky…Mike Emerson…Guy Brouillard…George Beach…Alessandra Boschini Piaciabello…..Mitzi Smolik…

8/26…Barbara Neagley

8/27…Peyton Evans…Tom Clements…Lenore Troia…(Please remember Bob Rokos & Mrs. John Gavin.)

8/28…Steve Habbertad…Edwin Duncan…

8/29…Robin Robinson …Linda Rysman…Karl Stahl…Sarah Sandnes…Scott Coulter…(Please remember Will Stephens & Frank Galeana!)

8/30…Hal Howland … Jay Levin…Christopher Tittel…Sandy Crawford…Randy Reams…

8/31…Barbara McConagha…Jay Krottinger…Al Subarsky…(Please remember Dave Dludzynski, Sr.)

9/1…Stacy Mitchell…Greg Slowiak…(.Please remember Don Casper!)

9/2…Mark Rossi

9/3…Karen Leonard….Joan Specht…Gloria Nowak … Barry Tarrola…

9/4…Karla Muir…(Please remember Jeannette Donnellann!)

9/5…David Herndon …Malcolm Kutner…Joan Pollock…Sebrina Acevedo…Michael McAdam …

9/6…..Marjorie Paul-Shook…Susan Puskedra …Susannah Wells …Marika Cross…Michelle Cates-Deal … Richard Forbis…Kathy Laglia …George Wallace… Mary Lourdes Petrone…

9/7…Nancy Nelson…Adam McLaughlin …MaryAnn Brangaccio…Susan Cardenas…Steve Misner …Bill Suddaby……Ben Khalil….

9/8…Ben Harrison …Barbara Ross…Milos Mandzo…Ed Dozier… (Please remember Jinny Luczak.)

9/9…Craig Cates…Stephanie Hellstrom …Randy Thompson…Jeff Leap… Skip Sher…Staci Hendrickson …( Please remember Adeline Turner.)

9/10…Danny Weathers…J.B. McLendon…Joe Viana…Betty Renzi…Eric Cole….Christine Gorham

9/11…Shawn Curran…Diana Sutton…Larry Baeder…Gary Groetz…Daniel Schiavonne

9/12…Christopher Smith…Jennifer White…. Jessica Christianson …Pat Meyers… (Please remember Bill Hudson and Joni Dollhausen.)

9/13…Peter Glicklich…Celeste Fehlig …Kim Cicolani…Anne Marie Flood …(Please remember Ruth Brown.)

9/14…Glenn Wilson…Linda Eicher…Alicia Metzler…John Spottswood III

9/15…Jimmy Weekley…Patrick Lawler…Libby York…C.W. Colt….Elizabeth Ritter…CarolAnn Sharkey …Carmen Martinez. ..( Please remember Susan Mesker.)

9/16…Mark Watson….Ed Stevens Jr…Stephen Parchini…Michael Fauss… Randy Becker… (Please remember Karen Jones….)

9/17…Cali Roberts …Maribeth Graham ….Rosi Gregush Miller…Ralph Graham…Mark Pence…

9/18…Jean Zeman…Keith Bland…Jeffrey Gasser….Jeff Lang…

9/19…Cheryl Cates…Michael Behmke…Carmen Greenberg…Sandra Klein…John Mumford …Jonathan Grim…JoAnn Gotches

9/20…Bob Wood …James Luther…Inez Casey…Tracy Sexton

9/21…Kristin Larkin LoGerfo…..Teresa Wright…Cricket Desmaris…Jessica Miano-Kruel… Bruce Baxter…Sid Goldman…

9/22…Cindy Cameron…Andy Kellar…John Smith…Cathy Kahn…Jack Darst…Lisa Buck … Erik Billimoria……(Please remember Hans Dollhausen.)

9/23…Craig Martin……Karen Hammond …Barbara Weikel…Hendrix Jude Piscopink … Gianluca Siena…Judy DeVries … Julia Gustafson…Shirley Gustafson…Lee Conway….Pat Livesay…(Please remember RV Beaumont!)


8/24….Wally & Nancy Stevens

8/25…Norm & Joanne Maltby….. (Please remember Joe Liszka & Frank Ronano.)

8/26…Ed Dozier & Michael Citro…Barbara & Ross Neagley

8/27…Judi & Fred Stevens…

8/28…Bob & Ingrid Sledz…Kerry Cressman & Sandy Crawford

8/30…Helen & Ben Harrison….Barbara Ross & Glenn Wilson

8/31…Bill Heisler & John Wilson

9/1…Linda & Jack Hulligan

9/2….Terry & Rosemarie Zawacki

9/3…Sally & Ron DeAnna

9/4….Amy & Steve Ray….Mimi & Joe Burke…

9/5…Kathy & Jim Haymaker…Carol & Rob Mone…

9/9…Lynn & Craig Smith …(Please remember Milly & Andy Ashmore.)

9/11…Cheryl & Craig Cates…Kay & John Behmke…Mark & Shanna Frechette

9/14…Cathy & Kelvin Ono…Mindy & Bob Duecker

9/16…Pam & Larry Beaver…Juanita & Chick Huber

9/20….Patticakes Hayes & Lester Boatwright…

9/21…..Bruce & Debbi Baxter…Richard & DeeDee Duecker…Christy & Rick Mack

9/22…(Please remember Carol & John Wickes.)

Hope you will remember these not to be forgotten Virgos!!! If you are not on this list and want to be, please send pertinent birthday and anniversary information to me at and I will gladly include you. If you know someone who should be on this list, let me know. If you are one of those Virgos, let me know if any of the above information pertains to you in any way!!!!

Have a wonderful birthday and anniversary!!!!

Love, Lynda

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